

name = "Podolepis"

image_caption = "Podolepis acuminata"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Asteraceae
subfamilia = Asteroideae
tribus = Gnaphalieae
genus = "Podolepis"
genus_authority = Labill.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Podolepis" is a genus of the botanical family Asteraceae (the daisy family). It is endemic to Australia and can be found in every state.


According to the [http://www.anbg.gov.au/cgi-bin/apni Australian Plant Name Index ] , 23 species are currently recognised (as of February 2008):
* Podolepis arachnoidea (Hook.) Druce
* Podolepis auriculata DC.
* Podolepis canescens A.Cunn. ex DC.
* Podolepis capillaris (Steetz) Diels
* Podolepis davisiana D.A.Cooke
* Podolepis ferruginea DC.
* Podolepis gardneri G.L.R.Davis
* Podolepis gracilis (Lehm.) Graham
* Podolepis hieracioides F.Muell.
* Podolepis jaceoides (Sims) Voss
* Podolepis kendallii (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
* Podolepis lessonii (Cass.) Benth.
* Podolepis longipedata A.Cunn. ex DC.
* Podolepis microcephala Benth.
* Podolepis monticola R.J.F.Hend.
* Podolepis muelleri (Sond.) G.L.R.Davis
* Podolepis neglecta G.L.R.Davis
* Podolepis nutans Steetz
* Podolepis robusta (Maiden & Betche) J.H.Willis
* Podolepis rugata Labill.
* Podolepis rugata var. littoralis G.L.R.Davis
* Podolepis rugata Labill. var. rugata
* Podolepis tepperi (F.Muell.) D.A.Cooke

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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