- Kalimollah Tavahhodi
Kalimollah Tavahhodi (Persian: کلیم الله توحدی ) also known with his pen name Kanimal (Persian:کانیمال), is an Iranian researcher and writer on Kurds and Kurdistan.
Tavahhodi was born during the Second World War (1941) in
Khorasan (Persian: خراسان), a province in east of Iran. His ethnicity is originally fromKurmanji tribes ofQuchan .Books
Kurds' historical exodus to Khorasan (حرکت تاریخی کرد به خراسان ) is his most famous book.Articles
Nowruz between Kurds of Khorasan ( نوروز در میان کردهای خراسان ) – Kurdistan magazine - 1st Year – Spring
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