

Fitzherbert is a constituent ward of Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand. The ward is made up of the suburbs of Turitea, Massey University, Linton and Aokautere.Fitzherbert is the largest ward in area in the city of Palmerston North.


Fitzherbert Ward is mostly rural, mainly along the foothills of the Tararua Ranges. In some instances, Fitzherbert Ward is the gateway to Palmerston North, especially if one is coming from the S (Levin, Shannon) or the SE (Pahiatua).

There is an increasing amount of development in the area especially around Aokautere and Summerhill.

Because of the higher ground on the south bank of the Manawatu, there are spectacular views of the Ruahine Ranges and the northern parts of the city. On a clear day, it is possible to see Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Taranaki.

Educational Facilities

* Massey University (Turitea Campus)
* International Pacific College (IPC)


* Tiritea Primary School
* Aokautere School
* Linton Camp School
* [ Linton Country School]

Business and other institutions

It is also the home of:
* Fonterra
* NZ Army (Linton Camp)
* Turitea Dam and Water Treatment
* New Zealand Pharmaceuticals (NZP) (Linton)

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  • Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir — • Judge, b. in 1470; d. 27 May, 1538 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

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