- AAACN Viewpoint
Infobox Journal
discipline =Ambulatory care
abbreviated_title =noeffect
abbreviation =
publisher = American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
country = US
publication_history =noeffect
history =
website = http://www.aaacn.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/AAACNMain.woa/1/wa/viewSection?s_id=1073744324&ss_id=536873415&wosid=qaN9222EEp6b3Yx5mbJ3q85bdCp
ISSN = ISSN search link|0006-K17BThe AAACN Viewpoint is the official newsletter of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing. It is distributed bimonthly to all members of the academy, and covers the scientific, organizational, and legislative developments in the field ofambulatory care .
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