- Virgin Fuel
Virgin Fuel is a rumored "clean" fuel that is being developed by
Richard Branson 'sVirgin Group . In an interview withCNN Money , Branson claims to be investing $1 billion inalternative fuel s with one or more of these fuels to be dubbed commercially "Virgin Fuel". The fuel in question is billed as "clean", although he has said it will not beethanol -based. It is expected to work in cars, trucks, and trains, with use in airplanes to follow by the end of 2008 Branson stated in an interview on CNN with Glenn Beck.External links
* http://www.virgin-fuels.net
* [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2006/08/01/8382250/index.htm "Branson's next big bet", CNN.com, August 1 2006]
* [http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/44849/story.htm Virgin Atlantic 747 to Test Biofuel in Early 2008] .
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