

A cheche is a garment worn by the Tuareg people over their heads and necks to protect themselves from the wind and sand [ [ The Sahara: Dry but never boring] ] . It usually has many layers that cover the head and it drapes down to loosely cover the neck. It is also worn by some French people as a scarf.

Another name for the Cheche is the tagelmust.


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  • chèche — [ ʃɛʃ ] n. m. • 1868; ar. sas; du n. anc. de la ville de Tachkent, où l on fabriquait des bonnets ♦ Longue écharpe de coton qui peut servir de coiffure (⇒ turban), au Maghreb. « On appelle chèches des écharpes arabes dont on peut faire tout ce qu …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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