- Le Van Hung
Le Van Hung was born in the
Mekong Delta ofVietnam and graduated from Thu Duc Military Academy, 5th class, in 1955. He held many commands from company to battalion level. However, Hung was perhaps best known as the “Hero of An Loc” in 1972 when he commanded the 5th Division in defense of the city ofAn Loc from the coordinated attacks of theNorth Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN ) forces in theBattle of An Loc .Living in a tiny underground bunker for almost three months, Hung commanded soldiers of 5th Division, the "famed" 81st Airborne Ranger, the 11th Airborne Brigade, the 21st Division and the Provincial Force of Binh Long Province. His forces repelled countless waves of attack by the North Vietnamese infantry, supported by Soviet-made
T-54 tanks.Hung vowed "If I'm still alive, An Loc still stands." His strong determination to hold An Loc by any cost, and the fighting spirit of the South Vietnamese
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN ) soldiers, kept An Loc from falling into communist hands.Hung was promoted to General in the field; and later commanded the 21st Division before becoming Deputy Commander of the 4th Military Region (MR4).
When the communists made their "
Ho Chi Minh Campaign " final assault on South Vietnam in April 1975, after listening to the capitulation order of PresidentDuong Van Minh , General Hung gathered his headquarters staff and family to say goodbye. He was unable to fight to the death because the town people ofCan Tho had begged him not to resist, believing that it would cause futile bloodshed. Hung was one of five ARVN generals who committed suicide that day.References
* [http://www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/download/csipubs/thiet/thie_c3_pt1.pdf]
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0004-4687(197501)15%3A1%3C70%3ASVWWE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-J]
* [http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1975/jan-feb/howard.html]
* [http://www.vietquoc.com/APR3098.HTM]
* [http://www.vietnamesecommunity.com/Community/TuongHung.htm]
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