FLA may refer to:

*Fair Labor Association
*Family Law Act
*Fiduciary License Agreement, a license to empower FSFE to uphold interests of and protect authors
*Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, a Brazilian multimodality sports association
*.FLA, the Macromedia/Adobe Flash vector-graphics file format
*Florida, a U.S. state
**The Florida Marlins baseball franchise in the MLB
**The Florida Panthers hockey franchise in the NHL
*Foreign Language Assistant
*Forest Lake Academy, a Seventh-Day Adventist high school in Apopka, Florida
*Full Load Amperes, the full load current in Amperes in an electric motor
*Future Leaders of America

In language:
*Four letter abbreviation
*Five letter abbreviation

In Music:
*Front Line Assembly, a Canadian electro-industrial band
*Fight Like Apes, an Irish shoegaze bandIn Terrorism:
*Frente de Libertação dos Açores, a separatist group from Azores, Portugal

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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