Georg Richard Lewin

Georg Richard Lewin

Georg Richard Lewin was a German dermatologist; born at Sondershausen on April 25, 1820. He died in Berlin on November 1, 1896. He was educated at the universities of Halle and Berlin, graduating as doctor of medicine in 1845. After a postgraduate course at the universities of Vienna, Würzburg, and Paris he settled in Berlin, where he practised as a specialist first in otology, and later in dermatology and syphilis. In 1862 Lewin was admitted to the medical faculty of his alma mater as privat-docent in otology. In 1865 he became chief physician in the department of dermatology and syphilis at the Charité Hospital, and in 1868 was appointed assistant professor.

In 1880 Lewin became a member of the imperial department of health, and in 1884 received the title of "Geheimer Medicinalrat." In the same year, through the influence of Bismarck, Lewin's clinic was divided into two departments, Lewin retaining the class in syphilis, while Schweninger, Bismarck's physician, was appointed chief physician for dermatology. This action of the government aroused much indignation in the medical faculties of most of the universities of Germany, and much public sympathy was expressed for Lewin.

Lewin was very successful in his profession. He introduced several new methods in the treatment of syphilis and in dermatology, among which may be mentioned the subcutaneous injection of mercuric chlorid and the spray application in diseases of the throat.


He was an industrious writer, and contributed many essays to the medical journals:
*"Klinik der Krankheiten des Kehlkopfes," 2d ed., Berlin, 1863;
*"Inhalationstherapie und Krankheiten der Respirationsorgane," 2d ed., ib. 1865;
*"Behandlung der Syphilis Durch Subcutane Sublimatinjectionen," ib. 1869.


Pagel, "Biog. Lex."; Meyers "Konversations-Lexikon"

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