- Xyridaceae
name = Xyridaceae
image_width = 230px
image_caption = "Xyris complanata " flower close-up
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Liliopsida
ordo =Poales
familia = Xyridaceae
familia_authority = C.Agardh
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision =
*"Abolboda "
*"Achlyphila "
*"Orectanthe "
*"Xyris "Xyridaceae is the
botanical name of a family offlowering plants . Such a family has been recognized by many taxonomists and is known as the Yellow-eyed-grass Family.The
APG II system , of 2003 (unchanged from theAPG system , of 1998), also recognizes this family, and assigns it to the orderPoales in the cladecommelinids , in themonocots . This treatment in APG II represents a slight change from theAPG system , of 1998, which had recognized the familyAbolbodaceae for some of the plants included here: that family was unplaced as to order, but was assigned to this same clade (although APG used the spelling "commelinoids").The family contains almost three hundred species in five genera, but most of the species are found in the genus "
Xyris " (see also "Abolboda "). The species are mostly tropical and subtropical.The
Cronquist system , of 1981, also recognized such a family and placed it in the orderCommelinales in the subclassCommelinidae in classLiliopsida in divisionMagnoliophyta .The
Wettstein system , last update in 1935, placed the family in orderEnantioblastae ."Xyris torta" or Twisted Yellow-Eyed Grass is on
Minnesota 'sendangered species list.External links
* [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/www/xyridace.htm Xyridaceae] in L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). " [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/ The families of flowering plants] : descriptions, illustrations, identification, information retrieval." Version: 27th April 2006. http://delta-intkey.com
* [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=10957 Xyridaceae in the "Flora of North America"]
* [http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=10957 Xyridaceae in the "Flora of China"]
* [http://florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/browse/flora?f=042&level=g&id=337 "Xyris" in western Australia]
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Tree&id=75435&lvl=3&lin=f&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock NCBI Taxonomy Browser]
* [http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/cgi/gateway_family?fam=Xyridaceae links at CSDL]
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