Bellona (CE)

Bellona (CE)

Infobox CityIT
img_coa = Bellona-Stemma.png official_name = Comune di Bellona
name = Bellona
region = Campania
province = Caserta (CE)
elevation_m = 63
area_total_km2 = 11.7
population_as_of =All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute Istat.]
population_total = 5109
population_density_km2 =
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|41|10|N|14|14|E|type:city(5,095)_region:IT
frazioni = Triflisco
telephone = 0823
postalcode = 81041
gentilic = Bellonesi
saint = S. Secondino Vescovo
day = First Tuesday after Easter
mayor = Giancarlo Della Cioppa
website = []
mapy = 14.2333
mapx = 41.1667

Bellona is a "comune" (municipality) in the Province of Caserta in the Italian region Campania, located about 35 km north of Naples and about 14 km northwest of Caserta.

The municipality of Bellona contains the "frazione" (subdivision) Triflisco.

Bellona borders the following municipalities: Camigliano, Capua, Pontelatone, Vitulazio.


The town takes its name from the Roman goddess Bellona, who had a temple devoted to her in the area. Recent excavations also have showed the likely presence of another temple of Mercury.

When the Saracens destroyed the ancient Capua in 841 AD, some of their inhabitants moved to the Palmobara hill (the modern Bellon's "frazione" of Triflisco) founding the town of Sicopoli. This was also destroyed by the Saracens in 856. Bellona continued to be a "frazione" of Capua until the Nepoleonic Age (1806).

On October 7 1943 German soldiers shot 54 Bellona's citizens. Italian President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro awarded the town the Golden Medal of Military Valour to reward the town's contribute in the Resistance in World War II.

Demographic evolution

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