the works — {n. plural}, {slang} 1. Everything that can be had or that you have; everything of this kind, all that goes with it. * /When the tramp found $100, he went into a fine restaurant and ordered the works with a steak dinner./ 1b. See: SHOOT THE WORKS … Dictionary of American idioms
the works — {n. plural}, {slang} 1. Everything that can be had or that you have; everything of this kind, all that goes with it. * /When the tramp found $100, he went into a fine restaurant and ordered the works with a steak dinner./ 1b. See: SHOOT THE WORKS … Dictionary of American idioms
The Works (film) — The Works was to be the first entirely 3D computer animated film, created by the Computer Graphics Lab, but it was never completed. The name was inspired by the original meaning of the word robot , which means work in many Slavic languages. It… … Wikipedia
The Works (Nik Kershaw album) — Infobox Album | Name = The Works Type = Album Artist = Nik Kershaw Released = 1989 Recorded = 1988 89 Genre = Pop Length = 49:18 Label = MCA Producer = Nik Kershaw, Peter Wolf Reviews = Last album = Radio Musicola (1986) This album = The Works… … Wikipedia
Clerk of the Works — The Clerk of the Works or Clerk of Works (often abbreviated CoW) is a person employed by the architect or client on a construction site. The role is primarily to represent the interests of the client in regard to ensuring the quality of both… … Wikipedia
shoot the works — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To spare no expense or effort; get or give everything. * /Billy shot the works when he bought his bicycle; he got a bell, a light, a basket, and chrome trimmings on it, too./ * /The Greens shot the works on their daughter s… … Dictionary of American idioms
shoot the works — {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To spare no expense or effort; get or give everything. * /Billy shot the works when he bought his bicycle; he got a bell, a light, a basket, and chrome trimmings on it, too./ * /The Greens shot the works on their daughter s… … Dictionary of American idioms
in the works — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In preparation; being planned or worked on; in progress. * /John was told that the paving of his street was in the works./ * /It was reported that the playwright had a new play in the works./ * /The manager told the… … Dictionary of American idioms
in the works — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In preparation; being planned or worked on; in progress. * /John was told that the paving of his street was in the works./ * /It was reported that the playwright had a new play in the works./ * /The manager told the… … Dictionary of American idioms
get the works — See: THE WORKS … Dictionary of American idioms
give one the works — See: THE WORKS … Dictionary of American idioms