Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson (born 14 June 1961 in St. Ann, Jamaica ) is a retired Jamaican athlete who competed mainly in the 100 metres and 200 metres.She reached the 100m and 200m finals in the 1984 and 1988 Summer Olympic Games and the 200m final in Barcelona in 1992 clear evidence of her consistent high achievement at the very top of the sport. Her breakthrough performance was at the 1988 Summer Olympics held in Seoul, South Korea. She won a Silver medal over 200m behind Florence Griffith Joyner, this was a truly great performance as she clearly beat then 200m World Champion Silke Moller, Heike Drechsler and team mate Merlene Ottey in one of the fastest times in history of 21.72. She also won a bronze medal at the 1987 IAAF World Indoor Championships and a silver medal at the 1989 IAAF World Indoor Championships.

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