

Ruché is a wine grape from Italy’s Piedmont region. It is largely used in making Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato, a small production red varietal wine which was granted DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) status by presidential decree on October 22, 1987.


There is some debate about the origins of the Ruché grape. One leading theory is that the varietal is truly indigenous to the hills northeast of the town of Asti. Another theory is that the grape is a local variation on a French import. It has been grown in the area for at least one hundred years but has only recently been marketed and consumed outside of the immediate vicinity of its production. Ruché has now been "discovered" and production is increasing accordingly.


The current DOC, or EU recognized area of production for the wine, covers only about 40 hectares (100 acres) of vines around the villages of Castagnole Monferrato, Refrancore, Grana, Montemagno, Viarigi, Scurzolengo and Portacomaro. [ [ :: Map of production zone] ] Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato is, therefore, one of the lowest production varietal wines in Italy.

The grape is also grown to some extent in the neighbouring province of Alessandria.


Ruché di Castagnole Monferrato is a very distinctive, medium bodied wine with clear notes of pepper and wild berries. The wine is quite floral on the nose. Its body is characterized by a pleasant acidity and soft tannins. It pairs well with slow-cooked beef and formidable northern Italian cheeses and mushrooms like gorgonzola and porcini, respectively.


External links

* []
* [ J.G. Wines Website]
* [ Ruchè] it A page on the grape from the Regione Piemonte Website
* [ Ruchè di Castagnole Monferrato] A page on the wine from the Regione Piemonte Website
* [ Piemonte Emozioni Website]

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