- Gerhard Lindblom
Karl Gerhard Lindblom (1887-1969) was an
ethnographer fromSweden who worked in East Africa in the 1910s. He was the principal author of materials on theAkamba peoples.Bibliography
*"Outlines of a Tharaka Grammar, with a list of words and specimens of the language", 1914
*"The Akamba in British East Africa : an ethnological monograph", 1916, PhD dissertation atUppsala University , Sweden, 2nd edition, enlarged, 1918-1920, facsimile 1969
*"Notes on Kamba grammar : with two appendices: Kamba names of persons, places, animals and plants - salutations", 1926
*"Die Beschneidung bei den Akamba", 1927
*"Kamba folklore", 3 volumes, 1928-1935
*"Notes ethnographiques sur le Kavirondo septentrional et la colonie du Kenya", 1932
*"Spears with two or more heads, particularly in Africa", 1934
*"Ethnological and anthropological studies in Sweden during the war", 1946
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