IFIUS (International Federation for Interuniversity Sport) is a Federation whose main objective is to organise the yearly World Interuniversity Games - in which students from different Universities and Colleges worldwide compete in different sport competitions.

Until 2003 the Games were held during the year - from 2004 onward the Games were held in a one-week period in October, establishing a true World Championship Format


* 1999 : Antwerp (Belgium)
* 2000 : Paris (France)
* 2001 : Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
* 2002 : Barcelona (Spain)
* 2003 : Rome (Italy)
* 2004 : Antwerp (Belgium)
* 2005 : Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
* 2006 : Dublin (Ireland)
* 2007 : Vienna (Austria)
* 2008 : Budapest (Hungary)
* 2009 : Milan (Italy)

External links

* [http://www.ifius.com IFIUS official site]

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