

"This article is on the TV show. For the 1931 film, see Rango (film)."

Rango was a Western situation comedy starring comedian Tim Conway which was broadcast in the United States on the ABC television network in 1967.

In "Rango", Conway played an inept Texas Ranger who had been assigned to the quietest post the Rangers had, Deep Wells, so as to keep him from creating unnecessary trouble. The Rangers apparently would have like to have removed him from the service altogether but were prevented from doing so by the fact that his father was their commander. But he seemed to bring his own trouble with him, as crime suddenly returned to a place that had seen very little of it the prior 20 years.

Also appearing in "Rango" was the American Indian character Pink Cloud (Guy Marks), an overly-assimilated Indian who was very fond of the ways of the whites and whose command of the English language was generally better than theirs. (Example: "Rango say him return when sun high over teepee. By that, I presume he meant that he would be back by noon.")

Despite a theme song co-written by Earle Hagen and sung by Frankie Laine, "Rango", like other future Tim Conway starring vehicles on network television, ran for less than a year.

External links

* [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061288/ "Rango" at the Internet Movie Database]

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