slowly but surely — phrase happening or doing something in a slow and gradual way, but achieving definite results Slowly but surely, the old landowning class was losing its power and influence. Thesaurus: slowlysynonym graduallysynonym Ma … Useful english dictionary
slowly but surely — happening or doing something in a slow and gradual way, but achieving definite results Slowly but surely, the old landowning class was losing its power and influence … English dictionary
slowly but surely — adverb In a slow, yet careful manner … Wiktionary
surely — [shoor′lē] adv. 1. with assurance or confidence; in a sure, unhesitating manner 2. without a doubt; assuredly; certainly: often used as an intensive emphasizing a supposition [surely you don t believe that!] 3. without risk of failing: chiefly in … English World dictionary
surely — [[t]ʃʊ͟ə(r)li[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV with cl/group (emphasis) You use surely to emphasize that you think something should be true, and you would be surprised if it was not true. You re an intelligent woman, surely you realize by now that I m… … English dictionary
slowly — slow|ly [ slouli ] adverb *** moving at a slow speed, or doing something at a slow speed: Could you speak a little more slowly? We saw a group of swans swimming slowly across the lake. Slowly and patiently, she planted the seedlings in a neat row … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
surely — sure|ly W2S1 [ˈʃo:li US ˈʃurli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] used to show that you think something must be true, especially when people seem to be disagreeing with you ▪ You must have heard about the riots, surely? ▪ There must surely be some… … Dictionary of contemporary English
slowly — slow|ly [ˈsləuli US ˈslou ] adv 1.) at a slow speed ≠ ↑quickly ▪ He shook his head slowly. ▪ That s true, said Joe slowly. 2.) slowly but surely used to emphasize that a change is happening, although it is happening slowly ▪ We are slowly but… … Dictionary of contemporary English
surely — sure, surely 1. In all parts of the English speaking world, surely is the dominant form in the meaning ‘in a sure or certain manner’ (slowly but surely) and in the use inviting or presupposing agreement (Surely that can t be right). In BrE, sure… … Modern English usage
slowly*/*/*/ — [ˈsləʊli] adv moving or happening at a slow speed The city is slowly getting back to normal after a three day transport strike.[/ex] Could you speak a little more slowly?[/ex] We re making progress – slowly but surely (= slowly but with definite… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English