

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Einar

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:"Einar is also a race of dwarves in the Dragonlance fictional book setting. See Einar"Einar is an old and extremely popular Norse name deeply connected to the einherjar, the fallen warriors living in Valhalla (mythical home of the Norse Gods); meanings of the name: magnificent, unique warrior, one who fights alone, one man army and/or leader.

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  • Einar — m Scandinavian: from an Old Norse personal name composed of the elements einn one, alone + herr army, warrior …   First names dictionary

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  • Einar Tambarskjelve — (c. 980 ndash;c.1050) was an influential Norwegian noble and politician during the 11th century.Several references are made to him in Snorre Sturlason s Heimskringla. His cognomen, Tambarskjelve , has two strongly differing explanations. One is… …   Wikipedia

  • Einar Örn Benediktsson — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Einar Örn Benediktsson (Reikiavik, Islandia, 29 de octubre de 1962) es un licenciado en ciencias de la comunicación, cantante y trompetista. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Discografía …   Wikipedia Español

  • Einar Jónsson — (May 11, 1874 ndash; October 18, 1954) was an Icelandic sculptor, born in Galtafell , a farm in southern Iceland. BiographyAt a young age Einar proved himself to be an unusual child with an artistic bent. At that time there was little or no… …   Wikipedia

  • Einar Sigurdsson — (died 1020), also called Einar Wry Mouth, was a son of Sigurd Hlodvirsson. He was jointly Earl of Orkney from 1014. His life is recorded in the Orkneyinga Saga .When Earl Sigurd was killed at the Battle of Clontarf, he left four sons: Einar,… …   Wikipedia

  • Einar Jonsson — Einar Jónsson (* 11. Mai 1874 in Galtafell, Island; † 18. August 1954) war der erste Bildhauer aus Island, der einer internationalen Öffentlichkeit bekannt wurde. Leben Einar Jónsson war der Sohn eines Bauern. Der Maler Ásgrímur Jónsson war sein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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