

The Thorakites (plural: Thorakitai) was a soldier similar to thureophoroi. The literal translation of the term is "curassiers", which suggests that this may have been a short Celtic mail shirt. [Head, p. 115.]


Thorakitai were used in armies of the Hellenistic period to support light troops. They were a type of armoured but mobile infantry who did not require a rigid formation to be effective in combat.


Thorakitai are mentioned twice in the army of the Achaian League and once in the Seleucid army by Polybios. [Head, p. 115.] There is a tomb illustration from Sidon showing what could well be a thorakites. The fragmentary inscription indicates that he was an Anatolian.



*Head, Duncan (1982). "Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars". WRG.

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