

W.A.R.S (Wicked Attack Recon Sports) is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes.

Transformers: Robots in Disguise

Transformers character
name =W.A.R.S.
japanname =Wars

caption =
affiliation =Autobot
subgroup =Spy Changers
function =Destructive Ninja
partner =Crosswise
motto ="I dare you to come and get me!"
alternatemodes =1994 Ford Thunderbird Stock car
series =
voiceby =Steven Jay Blum (English)
W.A.R.S. (Wars in Japan) is based on the mold first used for Generation 2 Autobot Gearhead and then on Soundwave. He was packaged with fellow Spy Changer Crosswise, and later with a Tiny Tin. W.A.R.S was recolored in 2 variants of transparent plastic, the second one was repackaged in 2006 as Camshaft.

W.A.R.S. was the name of one of the Autobot Spy Changers. The Spy Changers are a team of six Autobot espionage specialists. The team can drive over any surface, even water, in defiance of gravity, and have optical camouflage powers that render them invisible at will. Despite their radically different personalities, the Spy Changers are a perfectly functioning unit, often relying heavily on teamwork tactics.

His tech spec described him as an aggressive and battle hungry warrior. Heavily armoured, he is a good fighter, but his violent actions unnerve even his fellow Autobots. His Takara tech spec even described him as one of the few pro-war Autobot.

Animated Series

W.A.R.S. first appeared in episode #4 "Spy Changers to the Rescue".


*Robots in Disguise W.A.R.S. (2001)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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