

Infobox CityIT
img_coa =
official_name = Carlino
name = Carlino
region = Friuli-Venezia Giulia
province = Province of Udine (UD)
elevation_m =
area_total_km2 = 30.3
population_as_of = Dec. 2004
population_total = 2816
population_density_km2 = 93
timezone = CET, UTC+1
coordinates = coord|45|48|N|13|11|E|type:city(2,816)_region:IT
frazioni =
telephone = 0431
postalcode = 33050
gentilic =
saint =
day =
mayor =
website =
mapy = 13.1833
mapx = 45.8000

Carlino is a "comune" (municipality) in the Province of Udine in the Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia, located about 50 km northwest of Trieste and about 30 km south of Udine. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 2,816 and an area of 30.3 km².All demographics and other statistics: Italian statistical institute Istat.]

Carlino borders the following municipalities: Castions di Strada, Marano Lagunare, Muzzana del Turgnano, San Giorgio di Nogaro.

Carlino is the name of the premier family from the Casino area for which the town of Carlino was named. Parts of this family came to the United Stated in the early part of the century and settled in Rhode Island. The family is still there and is a major economic force in the state of Rhode Island. They currently supply the state with lumber and are leaders in legal services.

Demographic evolution

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