

Inkha is an interactive robotic head which was created in 2002 at King's College London.

Inkha uses a camera in its eye to track the movement of people who come close to it. It moves in a lifelike way based on studies of human movement. Inkha exhibits fright when it sees sudden movements and interest when it sees small movements. It becomes bored and goes to sleep if there is nothing of interest to "see".

Inkha also speaks periodically about facts and astrology and gives out fashion tips.

During 2003 Inkha was enhanced to become a Roboreceptionist at the Strand entrance of King's [] . This saw the addition of additional sensors, industrial-grade servo motors and a touch screen so that Inkha can give room directions to visitors. So far the Roboreceptionist has been running for almost three years, giving out over 30,000 room directions in this time.

A portable version of Inkha is also available and has been installed at the Cheltenham Science Festival each year since 2004. It has appeared on the children's television progamme "Blue Peter" and been the subject of articles in the science journal "Nature" (reprinted here [] ) and "The Times" [] .

External links

* [ Inkha home page]

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