quern reditum reddit — /kwem redatam redat/ L. Lat. An old English writ which lay where a rent charge or other rent which was not rent service was granted by fine holding of the grantor. If the tenant would not attorn, then the grantee might have had this writ … Black's law dictionary
queem — ˈkwēm Scotland variant of queme … Useful english dictionary
queme — ˈkwēm adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gecwēme; akin to Middle Dutch bequame pleasant, fitting, Old High German biquāmi fitting, suitable, Old Norse kvæmr coming; derivative from the root of English come 1. dialect chiefly… … Useful english dictionary
quem quaeritis — |kwemˈkwerəd.ə̇s noun Usage: usually capitalized 1st Q Etymology: Latin, whom do you seek? : an Easter introit trope derived from the account of the visit to Christ s tomb by the women, acted in the 10th century by ecclesiastics, and in its… … Useful english dictionary
Johnny Cash Sun discography — The Johnny Cash Sun discography details the music recorded by country music legend Johnny Cash and released on Sun Records. From late 1954 to July, 1958, Cash recorded for Sun, a label founded by Sam Phillips and located at Sun Studios in Memphis … Wikipedia
Saturday Night Jamboree — Radiosender KWEM Ort Memphis, Tennessee Sendejahre 1953 1954 Moderator Joe Manuel … Deutsch Wikipedia
Discografía de Johnny Cash en Sun Records — Anexo:Discografía de Johnny Cash en Sun Records Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Artículo principal: Johnny Cash La Discografía de Johnny Cash en Sun Records recopila la música grabada por la legenda de la música country Johnny Cash para la… … Wikipedia Español
ad quem — /ahd kwem /; Eng. /ad kwem /, Latin. at or to which; the end toward which something tends. * * * … Universalium
terminus ad quem — /terdd mi noos ahd kwem /; Eng. /terr meuh neuhs ad kwem /, Latin. the end to which; aim; goal; final or latest limiting point. * * * … Universalium
ad quem — /ahd kwem /; Eng. /ad kwem /, Latin. at or to which; the end toward which something tends. * * * ad quem «ad KWEHM», Latin. to or at which; (goal) toward which … Useful english dictionary