Henri Le Floch

Henri Le Floch

Father Henri Le Floch was the rector of the French Seminary ("Collège Français") in Rome in the early 20th century until the late 1920s. ["In a profoundly Catholic seminary of this sort Marcel Lefebvre received his preparation for the Holy Priesthood in the 1920s during the reign of Pope Pius XI — at the prestigious French seminary of Rome, then under the direction of the distinguished Father Henri Le Floch, of the Holy Ghost Fathers" [http://www.angelusonline.org/Article3276-thread-order1-threshold0.phtml The Society of Pius X] , Douglas Laudenschlager, The Angelus, February 1979]

He is chiefly remembered for the formative influence he had on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the traditionalist Roman Catholic Society of Saint Pius X. ["Archbishop Lefebvre readily admitted that were it not for the solid formation he received from Fr. Le Floch, he too might have succumbed to the creeping liberalism of the age." [http://www.angelusonline.org/Article182-thread-order1-threshold0.phtml I have handed on what I have received] by John Vennari, published in The Angelus [August 2005] ]


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