

Auspex, Inc. was founded 1985 by Michael Henney, Burt Brockman and Terry Kisner to develop SCADA software systems. In 1986 Rich Newell joined Auspex and the company started providing software support for SGM, Inc.'s RCS-7 line of SCADA products. In 1987 Auspex acquired the RCS-7 product line from SGM, Inc.. In 2005 Auspex started marketing LeakTrack 2000, a liquid pipeline leak detections system. []

Auspex Systems was founded in 1987 by Larry Boucher, CEO of Adaptec, as a provider of network attached storage devices, a product category they invented. They became a leading provider of enterprise storage in the mid-1990s but fell behind NetApp in the field. The company was liquidated in 2003, with the patent portfolio going to NetApp and the services business to GlassHouse Technologies.

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  • Auspex — Pays d’origine  France Genre musical Heavy metal metal progressif metal symphonique Années d activité Depuis …   Wikipédia en Français

  • auspex — (n.) 1590s, one who observes flights of birds for the purpose of taking omens, from L. auspex interpreter of omens given by birds, from PIE *awi spek observer of birds, from *awi bird + *spek to see. Connection between birds and omens also is in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Auspex — (lat.), 1) so v.w. Augur; bes. 2) der Auspielen haltende Priester …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Auspex — (Mehrz.: Auspĭces, lat., »Vogelschauer«), soviel wie Augur (s. Augurn und Auspizien) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Auspex — (lat., Mehrzahl auspĭces), Vogelschauer, s.v.w. Augur (s. Auguren) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Auspex — Auspex, bei den Römern, wer ein auspicium, d.h. ein Zeichen von den Göttern sucht; auch dasselbe was Augur; s. Augur …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • auspex — [ôs′peks΄] n. pl. auspices [ôs′pə sēz΄] [L, contr. of avispex < avis, bird + specere, see: see SPY] in ancient Rome, an augur, or diviner, esp. one who watched for omens in the flight of birds …   English World dictionary

  • Auspex (disambiguation) — Auspex is a defunct computer company of the United States.Auspex may also refer to:* Tiberius Julius Pollienus Auspex (3rd century), governor of Britannia Superior …   Wikipedia

  • auspex — /aw speks/, n., pl. auspices /aw speuh seez /. an augur of ancient Rome. [1590 1600; < L: one who observes birds, soothsayer, diviner, equiv. to au , base of avis bird + spex watcher (spec , s. of specere to look at) + s nom. sing. suffix] * * * …   Universalium

  • auspex — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A person who foretells future events by or as if by supernatural means: augur, diviner, foreteller, haruspex, prophesier, prophet, prophetess, seer, sibyl, soothsayer, vaticinator. See FORESIGHT …   English dictionary for students

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