Honest Ed's

Honest Ed's

company_name = Honest Ed's
company_type = Private
slogan =
foundation = 1948
location = Toronto, Ontario, Canada
key_people = Ed Mirvish, David Mirvish
num_employees =
industry = Retailing
products = Department store
revenue =
homepage = [http://honesteds.sites.toronto.com/ Honest Ed's]

Honest Ed's is a landmark discount store located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is named for its proprietor, Ed Mirvish who opened the store in 1948 and oversaw its operations for almost sixty years, until his death in 2007.

Honest Ed's is prominently located on the corner of Bloor and Bathurst Streets, running the whole length of the block. The exterior is covered with huge red and yellow signs advertising the name of the store, lit up like a theatre marquee. The store sign uses 23,000 light bulbs. [City TV News [http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_12775.aspx "Think You Know Mirvish? Some Honest Ed Facts That May Surprise You"] 11 July 2007 (Accessed 15 September 2007)] The store consists of two buildings connected by a walkway that links up the west building on Markham Street and the east building on Bathurst Street. The interior is much more modest, with simple displays of low-priced merchandise, ranging from vacuum cleaners and winter coats to kitchenware, toys and grocery items. Much of the store's decor consists of posters and photos from old films and stage productions from Mirvish's theatres in Toronto and London, England. Every piece of store signage is hand-painted. The outside facade is covered with humorous puns and slogans such as "Come in and get lost!" and "Only the floors are crooked!"

Honest Ed's gained fame for its marketing stunts, including loss leader specials and free turkey giveaways before Christmas and Thanksgiving Day holidays. Mirvish is also famous in Toronto for the birthday parties he has thrown for himself since 1988. At the street parties, there are free cakes, meals, hot dogs, candy, and giveaways. Crowds of Torontonians turn up with their children, and stand in long lines to receive these handouts. The happening is accompanied by live bands and balloons.

However, Honest Ed's suffered from competition from the emergence of dollar stores and other discount retailers, such as Zellers and Wal-Mart, throughout the Greater Toronto Area in the past few decadesFact|date=September 2007.

The store has appeared in popular culture products, being seen in several films and television shows shot in Toronto. For example, Honest Ed's was featured in the film "The Long Kiss Goodnight".Part of the story in the third volume of Bryan Lee O'Malley's "Scott Pilgrim" comic book series takes place at Honest Ed's.

See also

*Mirvish Village


External links

* [http://honesteds.sites.toronto.com/ Official Website]
* [http://www.mirvishvillagebia.com/ Mirvish Village BIA]

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