- Apostasy in Judaism
Apostasy in Judaism refers to the rejection of Judaism by a Jew and defection to another religion [Apostasy is defined as " [http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/Apostasy renunciation of a religious faith] ", in this case,
Judaism . Seeapostasy for further clarification.] The termapostasy is derived from Greek ), thought to be prophetic of the High Priests Jason and Menelaus, who deserted their religion and their nation to the horror and hatred of their contemporaries.In the Talmud
In the
Talmud ,Elisha ben Abuyah (referred to as "Acher", the "Other One") is singled out as an apostate by the rabbis.Medieval Spain
In Medieval
Spain , a systematic conversion of Jews toChristianity took place, largely under threats and force [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=IRyTg1jZaxAC&pg=PA128&dq=Medieval+Spain+conversion+Jews&sig=R8tuR9MeSzaYyEvIoi9izaCnT2o Figures of Conversion: The Jewish Question and English National Identity] - By Michael Ragussis -Duke University Press, 1995, Page 128, Quote: "The persecutions of the Jews that dominated fifteenth-century Spain, including the forced conversion of masses of Spanish Jews"] . The apostasy of these "converso s" provoked the indignation of some Jews in Spain and it was made illegal to call a converso a by the epithet, "tornadizo" (renegade). [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=-89-GjxFU24C&pg=PA65&dq=Converso+former&lr=&sig=Xqp2VIjYAJu8O2-HlijTRDXAYx0 A Social and Religious History of the Jews] - By Salo Wittmayer Baron -Columbia University Press]Several inquisitors of the
Spanish Inquisition , such asTomás de Torquemada , andFrancis Quiñones theBishop of Coria , are thought to be descendants of apostate Jews. Known apostates who made their mark in history by attempting to convert other Jews in the 1300s and 1400s includeJuan de Valladolid andAstruc Remoch .Some Spanish Jews, however, remained crypto-Jews despite being compelled to convert to Christianity (see "
Anusim "). They are also called "Marrano s". [Joseph Jacobs andMeyer Kayserling . " [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=169&letter=M Marano] ." "Jewish Encyclopedia ". JewishEncyclopedia.com.]abbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank
In 1648
Sabbatai Zevi presented himself as the Jewish Messiah, and his Jewish followers were known asSabbateans . Under the threat of death by the OttomanSultan , he and many of his followers converted toIslam in 1666. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=g1isTTzX7ZIC&dq=Sabbatai+Zevi+converted+Islam God-Optional Judaism: Alternatives for Cultural Jews Who Love Their History] By "Judith Seid", Published2001 ,Citadel Press : Quote: "Sabbatai Zevi converted to Islam under threat of death"]In the 1750s
Jacob Frank presented himself as the successor of Zevi and attracted many followers inPoland , known as Frankists. In 1759, with Frank's encouragement, more than 500 Frankists were baptized as Catholics. Frank himself was also baptized, with the King of Poland as his godfather. [http://books.google.com/books?id=ZP_f9icf2roC&pg=PA358&dq=Jacob+Frank+Augustus+baptized&sig=6mb20GtPW6dV41TWR6KvGktDAf4#PPA357,M1 Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions] - By Wendy Doniger - Page 358 - Published byMerriam-Webster ]Notes and references
ee also
Conversion to Judaism
*Heresy in Orthodox Judaism
*Yetzia bish'eila
*Schisms among the Jews
*Who is a Jew?
*Ger tzedek
*Religious disaffiliation External links
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=1654&letter=A Jewish Encyclopedia: Apostasy and Apostates from Judaism]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.