

company_name = Kahn's Corporation
company_type = Meat packing and distribution
foundation = 1883
location = Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
homepage = [http://www.kahns.com/ www.kahns.com]

Kahn's is an American meat processing and distribution company based in Ohio.


Originally from Alberschweiler in Bavaria, Germany, 45 year old Elias Kahn immigrated to Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, in 1880 with his wife and nine children. Cincinnati, also known as "Porkopolis", had previously peaked as a leader in pork-packing. Once a dominant industry from the pre-Civil War era, the half-million hogs that were corraled through the city's streets had faded by the mid 19th century. Nevertheless, pork was still a big industry in Cincinnati when the E. Kahn's Sons Company was started in 1883. The original location for the meat market was on the city's Central Avenue.

When Elias Kahn died in 1899, his four sons (Albert, Eugene, Louis, Nathan) and daughter (Matilda) took over the family business where it continued to expand. Kahn's quality and mildly seasoned meats resulted in regional demand, as the business continued to thrive for over 80 years. When the last of the Kahn brothers died in 1948, Matilda's son, Milton Schloss, became the company's president. In 1966, the company was sold to Consolidated Foods Corporation. 10 years later, the Sara Lee division of Consolidated Foods expanded after purchasing Hillshire Farm and Rudy's Farm.

ee also

* List of Sara Lee brands


* [http://www.kahns.com/about.html Kahn's - About Us]
*cite news|title=Elias Kahn: Kahns, Porkopolis were a perfect fit|author=Barry M. Horstman|first=Barry M|last=Horstman|work=The Cincinnati Post|publisher=E. W. Scripps Company|date=1999-10-25|url=http://www.cincypost.com/living/1999/kahn102599.html|archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20070308123601/http://www.cincypost.com/living/1999/kahn102599.html|archivedate=2007-03-08

External links

* [http://www.kahns.com/ Official Kahn's Website]

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