Halevi — Halévi Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Halévy. Patronymes : Halevi Aaron Halevi, le Rav Aharon HaLevi (1235 vers 1290) dit le Ra ah, rabbin,… … Wikipédia en Français
Halevi — oder ha Levi, französisch Halévi oder Halévy (der Levit) ist der Nachname von: Abraham ibn Daud ha Levi (1110 1180), sefardischer Chronist, Philosoph und Chronist Abraham ben Eliezer ha Levi (um 1460 um 1530), jüdischer Kabbalist und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Halevi — (izg. halévi), Yehuda ben Samuel (1083 1140) DEFINICIJA najveći židovski srednjovjekovni pjesnik; živio u Španjolskoj (Toledo), pisao na hebrejskom intimnu poeziju, poeziju nacionalnog i vjerskog sadržaja te prozno filozofsko djelo Hazari … Hrvatski jezični portal
Halevi — Halevi, s. Juda ha Levi … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Halevi — Halevi, jüd. Dichter, s. Juda ha Levi … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Halévi — Pour les articles homophones, voir Alévi et Halevy. Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Patronyme Halévi est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Aaron Halevi… … Wikipédia en Français
HALEVI, ḤAYYIM DAVID — HALEVI, HAYYIM DAVID (1924–1998), Israeli rabbi and halakhist. Born in Jerusalem, Halevi studied in the Porat Yosef Yeshivah. He received his rabbinic ordination from the head of Porat Yosef, Rabbi Atiah, and from Chief Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Ḥai… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HALEVI, JOSEPH ẒEVI BEN ABRAHAM — (1874–1960), Israeli rabbi and halakhic authority. Halevi was born in Slobodka and studied in its famous yeshivah. In 1891 he settled in Ereẓ Israel, where in 1897 he was appointed dayyan and assistant to his father in law, Naphtali Herz ha Levi … Encyclopedia of Judaism
HALEVI, EZEKIEL EZRA BEN JOSHUA — (1852–1942), one of the most prominent scholars and poets of Iraqi Jewry in recent generations; born in Baghdad and died in Jerusalem. In 1897 Halevi emigrated to Ereẓ Israel and settled in Jerusalem. He earned his livelihood as a preacher; he… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Halevi, Judah — (c. 1075–1141) The greatest of Islamic Spain’s Hebrew poets, Judah Halevi was also arguably the most important critic of Aristotelian Neoplatonic philosophy in the Jewish intellectual tradition. Like al Ghazali, his traditionalism was informed … Islamic philosophy dictionary