Hoy Wong

Hoy Wong

Hoy Wong (born August 22, 1916) is a notable personality in New York City. Born in Hong Kong, he is a bartender and is the oldest person to hold such a position in that city and state.

He fled Hong Kong in 1940 during the Japanese Invasion of China and ended up in San Francisco, California where he joined the US Air Force and learned English and served in both China and India until he could no longer serve due to war injuries. He then established himself in New York City; afterwards he began his lifelong bartending career. Over the years he has served celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe whom he remarked "...was very nice" and Judy Garland, "..." [who] was lovely. She liked to drink. She liked it a lot.". He also served Joe DiMaggio, John Lennon, and Henry Kissinger.

He works at the Algonquin Hotel which is similarly aged, being the oldest still operating in the city. He was commemorated for his 27 years of work in 2006 which made headlines; some of the over 300 guests were previous customers, some who were underage at the time and Wong gave them liquor anyway and they came to give him thanks. When asked about his longevity and how he still manages to keep so busy and healthy he remarked, "Not many secrets. Eat right, take a nap and every day get exercise working. Don't worry about money. I don't plan to retire. I love my job. I love to meet people. President Bush needs money, he needs income taxes, so I will help."


* cite web
title=NYC's oldest bartender still pouring at 90
publisher=Associated Press

* cite web
title='Oldest' New York barman turns 90
publisher=BBC News

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