- Jalile Jalil
Jalile Jalil or Celîlê Celîl, (1936- ), is a Kurdish historian, writer and Kurdologist. He was born in
Yerevan and studied history at the university of Yerevan and Oriental Academy ofLeningrad . He wrote his thesis regarding the Kurdish rebellions in 19th century. He received his PhD in 1963, and worked in the Academy of Sciences from 1963 to 1993 where he was the head of the Kurdology department. He along with his brother "Ordîxanê Celîl", collectedYezidi religious poetry and Kurdish legends and tales. After the collapse ofSoviet Union , he moved toAustria , and taught at theUniversity of Vienna . He is now working at the Academy of Sciences in Vienna.Books
#Vosstaniye Kurdov 1880 goda (The uprising of the Kurds in 1880), 132 pp., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1966 [J. M. Landau, "Review: The Kurds in Some Soviet Works", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1975, pp.195-198 ] .
#Zargotina Kurda (Kurdish Folklore), co-authored with "Ordîxanê Celîl", Vol. I, II, Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1978.
#Jiyana Rewşenbirî û Siyasi ya Kurdan (Intellectual and Political Life of Kurds), 200 pp., Jîna Nû Publishers, 1985 [ [http://www.institutkurde.org/products/shopping/product_details.php?product_id=517 Jiyana Rewşenbirî ] ] .
#Celîl, O., C. Celîl & Z. Celîl, "Kurdskie skazki, legendy i predaniia"(Kurdish Fairy Tales and Legends), Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1989.
#Zargotina Kurdên Sûriyê (Folklore of Kurds in Syria), co-authored with Ahmet Omer and Ordîxanê Celîl, Jîna Nû Publishers, Uppsala, Sweden, 1989, ISBN 91-970927-3-8 [ [http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/Zargotina_Kurden_Suriye/9197092738/ 9197092738: "Zargotina Kurden Suriye" by Celile Celil, Ahmet Omer @ BookFinder.com ] ] [ [http://hem.passagen.se/eramura/engelska/dict.htm Kurdish Dictionaries ] ] .
#Dastanên Kurdî, coauthored with Ordîxanê Celîl, 244 pp., Zêl Publishers, Istanbul, 1994 [ [http://www.navkurd.net/nivisar/fehim_isik/kurt_folkloru.htm NavKurd - Fehim Isik -Kürt folklorunda varyantlaşma ] ] .
#Autobîografîya Ebdurrizaq Bedirxan, 72 pp., Havîbûn Publishers, 1999 [ [http://www.institutkurde.org/products/shopping/product_details.php?product_id=471 Autobîografîya Ebdurrizaq Celîlê Celîl ] ] .
#Dîwaro tera dibêm bûkê tu guhdar be, 158 pp., Pêrî Publishers, Istanbul, 2000 [ [http://nyhuus.deich.folkebibl.no/DEICHMAN/DFB/KURV04.htm] ] .
#Sîyapûş Seyfulmuluk, 328 pp., Avesta Publishers, 2000 [ [http://www.institutkurde.org/products/shopping/product_details.php?product_id=475 Sîyahpûş Seyfulmuluk - Celîlê Celîl ] ] .
#Rûpelên Balkeş Ji Dîroka Gelê Kurd (Important Chapters in the History of Kurdish People), 195 pp., 2002 [ [http://www.institutkurde.org/products/shopping/product_details.php?product_id=430 13 Rûpelên Balkeş... - Celîlê Celîl ] ] .
#Keşkûla Kurmancî : sedsalîyên X - XX, 311 pp., Vienna, 2004, ISBN 3-902185-06-6 [ [ 403 Forbidden ] ] .Notes
#"Belgek ji pêwendiyên Ermenya Kurda yê dîrokî çandî" (A Document on historical and cultural relationship between Kurds and Armenians), Journal of the Oriental Institute of Armenian Academy, p.105, Vol. XIII, 1985.
External links
* [http://www.kurdmedia.com/inter.asp?id=10083 Interview with Jalile Jalil] , KurdishMedia, July 2003.
* [http://hem.passagen.se/zagros/bcelil.htm Interview with Celîlê Celîl] (in Kurdish).
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.