Miloš Šejn

Miloš Šejn
Miloš Šejn, 2005

Miloš Šejn (born 10 August 1947 in Jablonec nad Nisou) is a Czech artist (transliteration of the family name: Shein, Schein, Sein, Sejn).

He works in the fields of visual art, performance and study of visual perception, and conducts workshops, such as Bohemiae Rosa. His artistic concept was formed in his youth when he undertook many trips into the wilderness as a reflex of an inner need to get closer to nature's secret and observe the miracles that happen in it. From the beginning of the 1960s he took pictures, drew, collected and described his observations of nature during these wanderings. Currently he teaches mixed media and the relationship of nature and art as intrinsic needs of the mind at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, and focuses on immediate creative possibilities, based upon relations between historical humanized landscapes and intact nature.

External links

Green Man, 2003

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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