

Apex may refer to:

* Apex of the heart, the lowest superficial part of the heart
* Apex (mollusc), the tip of the spire of the shell of a gastropod
* Apex (headdress), a pointed piece of olive-wood, the base of which was surrounded with a lock of wool, worn by Roman priests
* Solar apex, the direction that our solar system travels through in our Galaxy
* Apex (radio band), an experimental very high frequency radio broadcasting system
* Apex (racing), the point a car should touch on the inside of a turn when following a proper line
* Apex (geometry), the highest vertex in a polyhedron or geometric solid
* Apex (diacritic) is a sign used by the Romans to mark long vowels
* Apex (botanical) is the Apical meristem or its remnant on a flower
* Apex predator

Apex is the name of:
* Apex, North Carolina, a town in the United States
* Apex (Niaqunngut), a community on Baffin Island, now part of Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
* Apex Digital, a California-based electronics manufacturer
* Apex Digest, a Kentucky-based science fiction magazine
* Apex Stores, a Rhode Island-based department store chain
* Apex Records (Canada), a record label of Compo Company
* Apex Theory, an alternative rock band.
* A supervillain on the TV show "Portal"
* Vympel R-23, an air-to-air missile (NATO reporting name "Apex")
* Apex (altitude physiology expeditions), a high altitude medical research charity.
* Apex Clubs of Australia, an association of young individuals, who seek to serve their local community and promote community spirit.

APEX may stand for:

* Asian Professional Exchange
* APEX system (Additive System of Photographic Exposure), a system of exposure calculation based on Ev units, or stops
* The Advanced Photovoltaic Experiment scientific research satellite.
* Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, a radioastronomical project in the high Andes in the north of Chile
* Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff, a British Trade Union
* Oracle Application Express (APEX), a free Oracle software development system
* Arrayed Primer Extension (APEX), a genetic resequencing method for rapid identification of mutations

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  • apex — apex …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • apex — [ apɛks ] n. m. • 1863; « cimier des casques romains » 1771; mot lat. « pointe » 1 ♦ Partie sommitale d un organe (⇒ apical). L apex de la langue. ♢ Zool. Sommet de l enroulement hélicoïdal de la coquille des gastéropodes. 2 ♦ Dans les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Apex — (lat. Spitze, Kuppe) bezeichnet in der Biologie: Apex (Anatomie), in der Anatomie Bestandteil einiger anatomischer Bezeichnungen einen Teil des Schmetterlingsflügels, siehe Flügel (Schmetterling) einen Teil der Schneckenschale, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • APEX — (lat. Spitze, Kuppe) bezeichnet in der Biologie: Apex (Anatomie), in der Anatomie Bestandteil einiger anatomischer Bezeichnungen einen Teil des Schmetterlingsflügels, siehe Flügel (Schmetterling) einen Teil der Schneckenschale, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • apex — 1 Apex, vertex are so often used interchangeably with reference to the tip or top point of a cone, a pyramid, or a conic section that a fundamental difference in implications is often ignored. Apex has particular reference to the sharpness or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • apex — ÁPEX, apexuri, s.n. 1. (astron.) Punct de pe bolta cerească spre care se deplasează în aparenţă sistemul nostru solar. 2. Capăt, extremitate (ascuţită) a unui lucru. – Din fr., lat. apex. Trimis de ana zecheru, 27.05.2002. Sursa: DEX 98  ápex s …   Dicționar Român

  • Apex — 〈m.; , Api|zes [ tse:s]〉 1. Spitze, Gipfel 2. Zielpunkt einer Gestirnbewegung 3. 〈Phon.〉 Längezeichen über einem Vokal (z. B. ā, â, í) [lat., „Spitze, Gipfel“] * * * Apex, der; , Apizes [ a:pit̮se:s] [lat. apex = Spitze]: 1. (Astron.) Zielpunkt… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ápex — m. anat. Vértice o punta. Medical Dictionary. 2011. ápex vértice. Extremo por regla gener …   Diccionario médico

  • APEX — peculiariter dicebatur apud Romanos, pileus Flaminis (qui Flammeum alias vocabatur) per synecdochen, quod in conum desinebat. Hinc Festus. Apex, inquit, Sacerdotum insigne, diclus ab eo, quod comprchendere antiqui vinculô apere dicebant, unde… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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