Witches 5

Witches 5

Sailor Moon villain group
Group =Witches 5

Caption =
Arc ="Sailor Moon S" (anime)
"Infinity" (manga)
Dub =Bureau of Bad Behavior
Leader =Professor Tomoe (anime), Kaolinite (manga)
Chaos =
Partof = Death Busters
Figures =Eudial, Mimete, Tellu, Viluy, Cyprine, Ptilol
Tools =Cars, computers, guns, staffs, evil plants
The nihongo|Witches 5|ウィッチーズ5|Wicchīzu Faibu are fictional antagonists in the anime series "Sailor Moon S". The group is a subset of the Death Busters lead by Professor Souichi Tomoe. The members of the group are Eudial, Mimete, Tellu, Viluy, Cyprine, and Ptilol. Like many Sailor Moon villains, each name is based on the name of a mineral or gemstone.

In the anime, the Witches 5 work as researchers in an underground lab. At first they are employed to search for the Talismans, but they are later instructed by Mistress 9 to find "pure hearts" instead. Each tries to win the Professor's attention and approval, but each fails.

In the manga, the Witches 5 make only brief appearances before being killed off. They are presented not as scientists or researchers, but are posed as students at Infinity Academy, the Death Busters' home base. They each carry a staff and have a specific rank. Their goal is to remove the souls, or "Hostes," of innocent victims so they could use their bodies, or Vessels, to plant Daimon eggs.

In the English-dubbed anime they are not given a unique group name and are just considered a part of the main group, the Bureau of Bad Behavior. The door to their office is still shown, clearly labeled "Witches 5" (or 4, or 3, as each member dies) in English.



nihongo|Eudial|ユージアル|Yūjiaru|Eugeal in the English dub is the first and possibly the leader of the Witches 5. She first attacks the Sailor Senshi in episode 103. Eudialyte is her namesake.

Eudial seems to be the oldest of the group, and is much resented by the others — particularly Mimete — because Professor Tomoe seems to favor her. A brilliant inventor, she is able to construct and jury rig weaponry and computer technology through the use of everyday items; for example, her Fire Buster weapon is constructed of a blender and a vacuum cleaner hose. Her machine affinity also allows her to modify her computer to track down potential Talisman holders, stealing their pure hearts with a specialized gun and using Daimon to finish the work. In the anime she is referred to as Chief by the other members.

Eudial is generally fairly even-tempered and level-headed, except as a driver. In many episodes she nearly runs people over, partly because the car emerges from its underground tunnels in illogical locations. She carries a deadly shoulder-mounted flamethrower, the Fire Buster (later upgraded to the Fire Buster II), and later in the series booby-traps the under-construction Marine Cathedral. She actually succeeds in getting two of the Talismans, but loses them to Sailor Pluto. She uses the Fire Buster II to try to attack Super Sailor Moon, but she deflects it back to her. Furious, she escapes in her car, only to find that Mimete has torn out its brakes and filled it with snails. (In the dubbed anime, they are "acid snails" and have dissolved the brakes, although one is shown sitting on her exposed skin without effect.) The car crashes over the highway into the sea below, killing her instantly.

In the manga, she goes by the alias nihongo|Yuko Arimura|有村ゆうこ|Arimura Yūko and teaches the etiquette class in the Philosophy Division of Infinity Academy. Her rank is Level 78. She leads some students to "Mount M" for a retreat and tries to remove their Hostes during orientation. Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter appeared and fought her. Sailor Mars used her 'Mars Snake Fire' attack on Eudial but it turned her into a monster looking similar to a Gorgon with a black star on its forehead. She was then killed by Sailor Moon. Although never used in the manga, her strongest attack (according to the Materials Collection) is called "Fire Buster."

Seiyuu Maria Kawamura provides her voice for the original Japanese production. Canadian actress Loretta Jafelice does her voice for the English adaptation. She also appears in the stage musicals.


nihongo|Mimete|ミメット|Mimetto is the second of the group. She first attacks the Sailor Senshi in episode 112. She is named after the mineral mimetite. In the English dub, her name was respelled as "Mimet" in title cards, but pronounced in the same way.

In the anime, after Eudial's death Mimete is assigned to collect pure hearts (which will be used for their energy to awaken Mistress 9). Mimete is a bit of a ditz and usually goes after attractive celebrities, flirting with them rather than doing her job. Out of all the Witches 5, she is the least organized and the most easily distracted. Mimete's Daimons were known for literally sucking the Pure Heart Crystals of their victims out through their mouths. These monsters required the power of the Holy Grail to be defeated. Her attack is called "Charm Buster" ("Stage Fright" in the English dub), where with the use of her staff, she launches mirages in the shape of stars at her opponents and induces severe vertigo and disorientation, capable of rendering someone unconscious in seconds.

After several failed attempts at collecting hearts, she tries to use one of Eudial's abandoned inventions (Witches Electric Warp) to increase her size and power. Just as she is about to attack using her newly buffed powers, Tellu pulls the plug on the machine, leaving Mimete forever trapped inside it, effectively killing her.

In the manga, she goes by the alias nihongo|Mimi Hanyu|羽生美々|Hanyū Mimi and leads the acting class in the Arts Division of Infinity Academy. She is the lowest ranked, at Level 40, and her attack is "Charm Buster," as in the anime. She poses as a pop idol, holding a concert for Infinity Academy students with the intention of stealing their Hostes. Sailor Venus, who disguises herself as an Infinity Academy student, appears to stop her. When the other Senshi arrive, Mimete calls on Kaolinite's help to awaken the Daimon eggs implanted in the students, but to no avail. She is killed by Sailor Uranus.

Voice work for the character is provided by seiyuu Mika Kanai in Japanese. Catherine Disher plays the character in English. [http://www.sailormoon-universe.com/dub_voice-performances.html] She also appears in the stage musicals.


nihongo|Tellu|テルル|Teruru|Telulu in the English dub is the third member of the Witches 5, named for the mineral tellurite. Tellu is voiced by Chieko Honda in Japanese. She also appears in the stage musicals.

In the anime, after Tellu kills Mimete, she too is assigned the task of gathering pure hearts. She approaches this by opening a flower shop and giving away beautiful plants, Telluns, which will later wrestle the pure hearts out of their owners. Tellu may then collect these in a magical container.

Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon, Pluto, and Tuxedo Mask eventually confront her, and she unleashes her most destructive plant, Hyper-Tellun. In midst of the brawl, Tuxedo Mask hurls one of his trademark roses at her, which causes the container to burst open, surrounding Tellu with pure heart crystals. Sensing this, her own botanical creation turns against her. Tellu electrocutes it in an attempt to break free, but it self-destructs, killing her at the same time.

In the manga, Tellu appears as the fourth witch instead of the third. She goes by the alias nihongo|Lulu Teruno|照野留々|Teruno Ruru and is in charge of the botany class in the Physical Division of Infinity Academy, as well as the school gardens. She is ranked at the significantly higher Level 404, and her death attack is "Mandragora Buster." Just as in the anime, she uses a number of artificial plants to steal Hostes, but is foiled by the Sailor Senshi. When she deflects Sailor Moon's attack, Sailor Chibi Moon uses her "Pink Sugar Heart Attack" which transforms Tellu into a monster, just like Eudial. Tellu is then killed by the newly re-awakened Sailor Pluto.


nihongo|Viluy|ビリユイ|Biriyui|Byruit in the dub is the 4th member of the Witches 5, named for the mineral viluite. She is voiced by Yoshino Takamori in Japanese. She also appears in the stage musicals.

In the anime, Viluy was handed the task of gathering pure hearts after Tellu's demise. To achieve this goal, she programmed all the computers at the Infinity Academy to extract the pure heart crystal of their users during a national practice exam. Additionally, she possessed the "Mosaic Buster" attack ("Mosaic Energy Blaster" in the English Dub), which released a flurry of nano-robots from her wristband.

She had great success at first, and nearly defeated Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Mercury (against whom she had a personal grudge), when her wristband suddenly malfunctioned as a result of damage inflicted by Sailor Moon attacking it with Rainbow Moon Heartache. The nanomachines dissolved their own master, effectively killing her, leaving behind only her bracelet.

In the manga, Viluy was the third witch to appear, before Tellu. She was ranked at Level 202 and taught the computer class of the Science Division of Infinity Academy. Her story in the manga is essentially the same as in the anime, except that she meets her doom by being cut in half by Sailor Uranus's Space Sword.

In both the anime and manga she uses the alias of top student nihongo|Yui Bidoh|美堂ゆい|Bidō Yui. In the anime, she initially confronts the Guardian Senshi in this disguise and is rather kind to them. The dub changed this to make her mean and harsh even in disguse.

Cyprine and Ptilol

nihongo|Cyprine|シプリン|Shipurin|Cyprin in the dub and nihongo|Ptilol|プチロル|Puchiroru|Petite Roll in the manga and Petirol in the dub are, together, considered the fifth of the Witches 5. It has been stated by Naoko Takeuchi in the "Materials Collection" that Ptilol is just an extension of Cyprine's power, yet they seem to act as one. The two are named for the minerals cyprine and ptilolite. They are voiced by Yuriko Fuchizaki (Cyprine) and Rumi Kasahara (Ptilol) in Japanese. (Cyprine is the blue-haired one and Ptilol is the red-haired one). In the stage musicals however, only Cyprine has made an appearance.

In the anime, Cyprine was portrayed as the last of the Witches 5. It was only when confronted that she revealed her "other self", Ptilol. The two prove nearly invincible to the Sailor Senshi, as one always blocks incoming attacks with her powers while the other blasts from behind. Gradually, the Senshi are able to trick the two into blasting each other, killing both at the same time.

In the manga, Cyprine is the highest ranking witch at level 999, and her death attack is "Ribbon Buster." She was called upon by Kaolinite specifically to take care of the Sailor Senshi. She comes from the sorcery class of the Professional Division of Infinity Academy. After an unsuccessful attack on Haruka, Cyprine uses her powers to manipulate the dark feelings in the hearts of the Senshi so they might fight each other. Sailor Moon manages to kill them only by transforming into Super Sailor Moon and using her Rainbow Moon Heartache attack.


* [http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=80 Anime News Network - Sailor Moon S] . Retrieved 2005-01-29.
* Armodee, Ken. [http://www.rahul.net/arromdee/sm.faq.2 The Sailor Moon FAQ] . Retrieved 2005-02-05.
* [http://thetour.animehunters.com/mareingenii/dubbed/evilatwork_03.html The Tour] - Info on dubbed versions

External links

* [http://members.tripod.com/mercuryinfo/akashio.html Akashio] - Detailed information about Eudial
* [http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3987/ Grapes Of Wrath] - Detailed information about Tellu

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