- Talaxian
Star Trek race|if=
Caption=Neelix , a male Talaxian
Affiliation=NoneThe Talaxians are a humanoid civilization in theStar Trek fictional universe native to the planet Talax in the Delta Quadrant. The Talaxians surrendered to theHaakonian Order in 2356 after a decade-long war was ended by the deployment of the metreon cascade, a deadly weapon that killed over 300,000 Talaxians on the moon Rinax. Talaxians who came in contact with the fallout from the metreon cascade suffered metremia, a deadly blood disease.Neelix was a Talaxian who had left his homeworld after the conflict with the Haakonians; eventually, Neelix discovered another colony of his people, and left Voyager to be with them.It is a tradition in Talaxian society to share the history of a meal before eating, as a way of enhancing the culinary experience. It is also tradition for Talaxian proper names to contain the letter "x" (Neelix, his sister Alixia, his new girlfriend Dexa, her son Brax ...).
The Talaxians are a relatively peaceful race whose members willingly cooperate with the crew of Voyager. Commander Paxim is involved twice — once to help uncover a traitor aiding the Kazon among the Voyager crew, and later to help Tom Paris retake Voyager from the Kazon in "Basics", Part Two when Paxim's ships fire on Voyager to allow Paris to do his work. Paris then beams Paxim's people on board to man stations as part of the recapture. The Talaxians appear to be very adaptive and quickly figure out how to operate stations.
Physically the Talaxians are
humanoid , with large amounts of yellow to reddish-brown spotting on their heads, arms and bodies. They have paleskin and a plume of ginger hair across the top of their heads. (: "Caretaker")Males also have ginger whiskers growing on either side of their face. These develop during puberty, much like facial hair in
Human s. However, the whiskers induce sexual arousal and feelings when pulled. (: "Random Thoughts", "Homestead")Talaxians are generally stocky and the musculature of their upper bodies is very dense. Also, their respiratory system is directly linked to multiple points along the spinal column. Because of these facts, the Borg believe that Talaxians make excellent combat drones and designate the species as 218. (: "Mortal Coil")
Talaxians have spotted feet with long toes. Unlike Humans, the last ("pinky") toe is enlarged and rivals the innermost toe in size. (: "Warlord")
blood is red. (: "Rise ")Appearances
* "":
** "Caretaker, Part II"
** "Faces"
** "Jetrel"
** "Investigations"
** "Basics, Part II"
** "Warlord"
** "Fair Trade"
** "Mortal Coil"
** "Once Upon a Time"
** "Homestead"External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.