Equivalence (measure theory)

Equivalence (measure theory)

In mathematics, and specifically in measure theory, equivalence is a notion of two measures being "the same". Two measures are equivalent if they have the same null sets.


Let ("X", Σ) be a measurable space, and let "μ", "ν" : Σ → [0, +∞] be two measures. Then "μ" is said to be equivalent to "ν" if

:mu (A) = 0 iff u (A) = 0

for measurable sets "A" in Σ, i.e. the two measures have precisely the same null sets. Equivalence is often denoted displaystyle{mu sim u} or mu approx u.

In terms of absolute continuity of measures, two measures are equivalent if and only if each is absolutely continuous with respect to the other:

:mu sim u iff mu ll u ll mu.

Equivalence of measures is an equivalence relation on the set of all measures Σ → [0, +∞] .


* Gaussian measure and Lebesgue measure on the real line are equivalent to one another.
* Lebesgue measure and Dirac measure on the real line are inequivalent.

Invariants of measures

As is usual in mathematics, one can consider invariants of measures: these are properties of measures defined on a given measurable space such that, if some measure "μ" has the property, so do all the other measures to which it is equivalent. More formally, a property "P" of measures on ("X", Σ) is an invariant if

:left( mu sim u mbox{ and } P(mu) ight) implies P( u).

For example, strict positivity is an invariant of measures defined on a topological space ("X", "T") with its Borel σ-algebra.


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