Penelope Diane Olsen

Penelope Diane Olsen

Dr Penelope Diane Olsen is an Australian ornithologist and author. She has worked with CSIRO as an experimental officer and an Honorary Research Associate as well as being an ARC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian National University. She is also internationally recognised as an expert on raptors and was involved in the conservation work on Norfolk Island for the Norfolk Island Boobook. She was President of the Australasian Raptor Association 1984-1989. In 1997 she was awarded the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union's D.L. Serventy Medal for excellence in published work on birds in the Australasian region.

Since 2003 she has been editor of Birds Australia's magazine "Wingspan". As well as numerous scientific papers and reports, her published books include:
* Olsen, Penny D. (Ed). (1993). "Australian Raptor Studies". ARA, RAOU: Melbourne.
* Olsen, Penny. (1995). "Australian Birds of Prey. The biology and ecology of raptors". NSW University Press: Sydney.
* Olsen, Penny. (2001). "Feather and Brush. Two centuries of Australian bird art". CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.
* Olsen, Penny. (2005). "Wedge-tailed Eagle". Australian Natural History Series. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.


*Anon. (1997). D.L. Serventy Medal 1997: Citation. Penelope Diane Olsen. "Emu" 97: 262.
*Robin, Libby. (2001). "The Flight of the Emu: a hundred years of Australian ornithology 1901-2001". Carlton, Vic. Melbourne University Press. ISBN 0-522-84987-3

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