- Hezlett Primary School
Hezlett Primary School is a primary school located on the outskirts of
Castlerock ,County Londonderry ,Northern Ireland . It is a state maintained school for girls and boys aged from 3 to 11 and has 295 pupils. The majority of pupils come from the villages of Castlerock andArticlave , and the surrounding rural area. It is within theNorth Eastern Education and Library Board area.*Enrolment: 232 in
2001 -02, 243 in2002 -03, 253 in2003 -04, 273 in2004 -05, 272 in2005 -06
*Address: 1 Ballywoolen Road, Castlerock, BT51 4TZchool inspection, 2005
Department of Education (Northern Ireland) carried out a short inspection in October 2005 and found that the strengths of the school included: "the caring and supportive atmosphere which promotes well the children’s confidence and self-esteem ... · the good working relationships at all levels; the well-behaved and responsive children ... the dedicated teachers and the quality of teaching which ranges from good, in most of the lessons observed, to excellent, in a minority of lessons". Areas for improvement included: "the need to embed further, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support and extend the children’s learning.References
* [http://www.schoolswebdirectory.co.uk/schoolinfo2.php?ref=27501 Schools Web Directory]
* [http://www.denidata.nics.gov.uk/insp/viewreport.asp?DocID=3100 School Inspection Report, November 2005]ee also
List of Primary schools in Northern Ireland
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.