List of colonial governors in 1796
- List of colonial governors in 1796
* Angola - Manuel de Almeida e Vasconcelos, Governor of Angola (1790-1797)
* Macau - Jose Manuel Pinto, Governor of Macau (1793-1797)
=Great Britain=
* New South Wales - John Hunter, Governor of New South Wales (1795-1800).
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List of colonial governors of Florida — The colonial governors of Florida governed over Florida during its colonial period. The first European to arrive there was Juan Ponce de León, in 1513, but the governorship did not begin until 1565, when Pedro Menéndez de Avilés founded St.… … Wikipedia
List of colonial governors in 1802 — France*Martinique *# Louis Thomas Villaret de Joyeuse, (1802 1806)Ottoman Empire* Abkhazia Kelesh Begi, Prince of Abkhazia (1789 1806)Portugal* Angola *# Miguel António de Melo, Governor of Angola (1797 1802) *# Fernão António de Noronha,… … Wikipedia
List of colonial governors in 1805 — Ottoman Empire* Abkhazia Kelesh Begi, Prince of Abkhazia (1789 1806)Portugal* Angola Fernão António de Noronha, Governor of Angola (1802 1806) * Macau Caetano de Sousa Pereira, Governor of Macau (1803 1806) =United Kingdom= * New South Wales… … Wikipedia
List of colonial governors in 1806 — Denmark*Danish West Indies Baltharzar Frederik Mühlenfels, Governor General of the Danish West Indies (1802 1807) *Iceland #Ólafur Stefánsson, Governor of Iceland (1790 1806) #Fredrik Christopher, Governor of Iceland (1806 1809) *North Greenland… … Wikipedia
List of colonial heads of Cuba — Dates in italics indicate de facto continuation of office. Tenure Incumbent Notes Spanish Suzerainty Governors 1535 to 1538 Gonzalo de Guzmán 1538 to 1542 Hernando de Soto 1544 to 1546 Juan de Ávil … Wikipedia
List of colonial and departmental heads of Guadeloupe — (Dates in italics indicate de facto continuation of office) Note: currently, the prefect is not the true departmental head, which is the President of the General Council. The prefect is merely the representative of the national government. Term… … Wikipedia
List of lieutenant governors of Newfoundland and Labrador — The following is a list of the Governors and Lieutenant Governors of Newfoundland and later Newfoundland and Labrador. Though the present day office of the lieutenant governor in Newfoundland and Labrador came into being only upon the province s… … Wikipedia
List of colonial heads of the Bahamas — This is a list of colonial heads of the Bahamas. The first English settlement in the Bahamas was on Eleuthera. In 1670, the king granted the Bahamas to the Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina, but the islands were left to themselves.… … Wikipedia
List of colonial and departmental heads of Martinique — Martinique This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Martinique Prefect Ange Mancini … Wikipedia
List of colonial and departmental heads of French Guiana — (Dates in italics indicate de facto continuation of office) Term Incumbent Notes French Suzerainty French colony 1643 Charles Poncet de Brétigny, Governor 1644 to 1654 Huet de Navarre, Governor … Wikipedia