- Arlene Quinones-Perez
Arlene Quinones-Perez (1980), is a 26-year-old Councilwoman in
Clinton, New Jersey , a town in Hunterdon County. She is the youngest member of the Clinton Town Council and is currently the only Hispanic woman serving in elected office in Hunterdon County.Quinones-Perez founded Clinton's nonprofit emergency services foundation and serves at its president. [ [http://www.c-n.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060813/NEWS02/608130354/1004 New member for Clinton Town Council] ] She is a former senior aide in the Office of the Attorney General of New Jersey and in the Office of the Governor.
She was listed by PoliticsNJ.com as one of New Jersey's top 50 rising stars. [ [http://politicsnj.com/RisingStars_2001.htm Top 50: New Jersey’s Rising Stars] ]
She is a law student at [http://www.camlaw.rutgers.edu Rutgers School of Law - Camden] . [ [http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17057603&BRD=1918&PAG=461&dept_id=506547&rfi=6 Clinton gets new council member: Arlene Quinones-Perez to run in November election] ]
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