Vladimír Jiránek

Vladimír Jiránek

Vladimír Jiránek (born June 6, 1938, Hradec Králové) is a Czech illustrator, film director and cartoonist.

In 1962 he graduated from Philosophical faculty of Charles University in Prague, where he studied journalism. He closely cooperated with magazines (eg. Mladý svět, Vesmír, Technický magazín). After the Velvet revolution he joined Lidové noviny. In 1993 he moved to Mladá fronta DNES and then back to Lidové noviny. His cartoons also appear in Reflex and several other magazines.

Animated films (selection)

*"Pat & Mat" (1976)
*"Co jsme udělali slepicím" (1977) co-director, story, illustrations
*"Bob a Bobek, králíci z klobouku" (1977)


*"Anekdoty pro civilizaci" (Anecdotes for civilization, 1977)
*"Běžte a milujte se" (1987)
*"Bob a Bobek, králíci z klobouku" (Bob and Bobek, 1988)
*"Knížka pro snílky" (A book for dreamers, 1989)
*"Události" (Events, 1990)
*"Doktorská knížka" (1997)
*"(Ne)kuřácká knížka" (Book for (non)smokers, 2000)
*"To byla léta devadesátá" (2000)

External links

* [http://www.vladimirjiranek.cz/ Official site]
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