

"This is an article on Buddhist rankings. For the artist, see Yamazaki Sōkan."

Sōkan (僧官) is the Japanese system of rankings for Buddhist clergy. There are three ranks comprising ten categories or levels, followed by a series of titles known collectively as "sōi" (僧位). Each of the three ranks is known by an abridged form; monks or priests are often referred to by their rank, rather than their specific title.

The first rank, "sōjo", consists of three titles:
*"Dai-sōjō" (大僧正)
*"Sōjō" (僧正)
*"Gon-sōjo" (権僧正)

The second rank, "sōzu", is comprised of four titles:
*"Dai-sōzu" (大僧都)
*"Gon-dai-sōzu" (権大僧都)
*"Shō-sōzu" (小僧都)
*"Gon-shō-sōzu" (権小僧都)

The third rank, "risshi", contains three titles:
*"Dai-risshi" (大立志)
*"Chū-risshi" (中立志)
*"Gon-risshi" (権立志)

Those monks past the third rank could then earn the following titles, known as "sōi":
*"Hōkyō" (法橋) - Bridge of the Law
*"Hō-in" (法印) - Seal of the Law
*"Hōgen" (法現) - Eye of the Law
*"Ajari" (阿闍梨) - Spiritual master
*"Zasu" (座主) - Master of the seat, head of the temple (abbot)
*"Shūza" (沓座) - Senior master

ee also



*Frederic, Louis (2002). "Japan Encyclopedia." Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

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