French tickler

French tickler

A French tickler is a latex condom that is designed with additional protrusions, for enhancing the sexual pleasure of the user.

A typical French Tickler uses a number of bumps, crests and falls in the lining of the latex ostensibly to make sexual intercourse more enjoyable or pleasurable for the recipient.

In Popular Culture

* French ticklers were mentioned in the Monty Python movie The Meaning of Life (1983), when Mr. Blackitt (a protestant) says: "I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas. And Protestantism doesn't stop at the simple condom. I can wear French ticklers if I want." (See )
* In the Tenacious D song "Double Team", a French tickler is one of the "tools" Kyle Gass is mentioned to be in possession of.
* The novel Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk also features a mention, when the narrator goes back to the Creedish cult location in Nebraska.
* In an episode of Family Guy, Quagmire flies a plane named "The French Tickler" at the airshow.
* Former WWE Wrestler Rene Dupree performed a dance that was known to wrestling fans as "The French Tickler".
* George Carlin jokes about things that you rarely or never hear, one of them being "Mom, I have a big date tonight! Can I borrow a French tickler from you?"

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  • French tickler (disambiguation) — French tickler may refer to one of a number of things: * René Goguen (also known as Renè Dupree) is a professional wrestler who does a dance called the French Tickler * is a Joe Phillips animated feature whose main villain is called the French… …   Wikipedia

  • French tickler — /frɛntʃ ˈtɪklə/ (say french tikluh) noun a type of condom with an accessory attached at the tip designed to give sexual pleasure to the partner …  

  • French tickler — Slang. a condom designed with knobs, projections, etc. * * * …   Universalium

  • French tickler — noun A latex condom that is designed with additional protrusions, for enhancing the sexual pleasure of the user …   Wiktionary

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  • Tickler — may mean:* A Tickler file for organizing documents and tasks, as described in the book Getting Things Done . * A French tickler. * Early 20th century slang for someone who practiced the stride style of Jazz piano playing. * The Tickler, a classic …   Wikipedia

  • tickler —    1. the clitoris    From its role in sexual arousal:     I went back to caressing her tickler. (F. Harris, 1925)    2. see French tickler    under French letter …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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