Oneness (concept)

Oneness (concept)

Oneness is a spiritual term referring to the 'experience' of the absence of egoic identity boundaries, and, according to some traditions, the perception of an absolute unity of all matter and thought in space-time, or one's ultimate identity with God (see Tat Tvam Asi). It shares traits with Panentheism. Its meaning may be synonymous to that of nonduality, though some claim that non-duality implies 'not one' and 'not two', i.e. non-duality is analogous to the Hindu formula of negation and to Neti neti, used in describing the absolute.

* Hinduism speaks of unity in diversity. One who perceives on Earth a seeming diversity gets death after death. As a unity is It to be looked upon with "thisness" as an indemonstrable being, spotless, beyond space, and enduring.
* Islam speaks about submitting the whole desires to will of God. Submission is the meaning of the word "Islam". Salvation can be attained by freedom from worldly desires for the sake of Allah, His prophet Muhammad, and for the sake of His path.
* Jesus says: to enter the Kingdom of Heaven one has to be reborn in the Water and Spirit (see "John" 3:5 [] )
* In the non canonical Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said: When you make the two one, you will become sons of man, and when you say: Mountain, move away, it will move away.(106) [ [ The text of the Gospel of Thomas from the Scholars Version translation published in The Complete Gospels] ]
* Bahá'u'lláh taught that God responds to the seeker by drawing him 'from the realms of contradiction unto the retreats of oneness...numbered with those whom the light of God hath guided aright in this day.' Individual identity vanishes as the seeker sees all the Prophets as one and the same Being, 'the Manifestation of the Self of God.' No change nor transformation exists in this realm. '...this is the station wherein the light of divine unity shineth forth, and the truth of His oneness is expressed...' To experience oneness, the seeker must enter the City of Divine Unity which is 'the garden of oneness, and the court of detachment.' (see "Gems of Divine Mysteries")
*New Thought's Belief

For others, Oneness, the characteristic of being one, is a term used to characterize God in contrast to Christians who believe that the godhead is of a triune nature comprising 3 distinct, but not separate, identities (see Trinity).

ee also

* Wahdat-ul-Wujood
* Zen
* Pantheism
* Monism
* Original blessing


External links

* [ A Recorded Oneness Experience]
* [ Oneness and Free Will in Judaism]
* [ Oneness: Great Principles Shared by All Religions]
* [ The Harmony Project: Oneness by Rev. Ann Emerson]
* [ "There is only one of us" Breathe for Peace Project by Daniel Hirtz]
* [ The text of the Gospel of Thomas from the Scholars Version translation published in The Complete Gospels]

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