Ze'ev Bielski

Ze'ev Bielski

Ze'ev Bielski ( _he. זאב בילסקי, born 1949) was a Jewish Agency emissary in South Africa, a player in the Israeli national basketball league, a founder of the Israel Forum, and the mayor of Ra’anana. He is the current chairman of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization. [cite news
last = Kraft
first = Dina
coauthors =
title = Bielski Named Jewish Agency Head, Vows To Be Worldwide Emissary
work =
pages =
language = English
publisher = United Jewish Communities
date = 2005-06-28
url = http://www.ujc.org/page.aspx?id=110150
accessdate = 2008-06-29
] [cite press release
title = Victor Yushchenko meets with Ze'ev Bielski
publisher = Press office of President Victor Yushchenko
date = 2008
url = http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/8864.html
accessdate = 2008-06-29

Early life

Bielski was born and raised in Jerusalem. From 1967-1970 he was a member of the IDF, and he reached the level of Major. He got his BA in Economics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Public Life

From 1977-1980 he was the leading Jewish Agency emissary in South Africa. In 1989 he became the Mayor of Ra'anana, which he would be until 2005, and he became the Chairman of the Absorption Committee, Union of Local Authorities, which he would be until 1993. He also was the Deputy Chairman of the Union of Local Authorities in Israel from 1996 to 1999, and the National Chairman of the Al-Sam Organization from 1994 to 1996. [ [http://www.jafi.org.il/about/bielski.htm JAFI Profiles: Zeev Bielski ] ]

On June 23, 2005 he was elected a member of the World Zionist Organization Council as a member of the Herut Party. [ [http://www.jewishagency.org/JewishAgency/English/Home/About/Press+Room/Jewish+Agency+In+The+News/2005/2005b/june23hz.htm+113.htm Far-right faction elevates Bielski to spot on WZO Executive ] ] On June 28 he succeeded Salai Meridor as the chairman of the Jewish Agency. His candidacy for this position was supported by Ariel Sharon. [ [http://www.nbn.org.il/news05/JR_072505.htm Jerusalem Report, The: 'Our job is to live here' ] ]

He currently is a member of Council for Cable and Satellite Television, Israeli Schools Sports Association, Public Council for the Schneider Children Hospital, Committee to Avoid a Conflict of Interest for Elected Officials in Local Authorities, and Council of the Society for the Protection of Nature.

American Jews

Bielski told the The Jerusalem Post that Jews in America have no future in America. Due to the size of America he believes assimilation is inevitable, and all Jews in America should move to Israel. [ [http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1162378384317&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull 'US Jews have future, present and past' | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post ] ]


External links

* [http://www.jafi.org.il/about/bielski.htm Biography on Jewish Agency website]

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