La ballade de Michel

La ballade de Michel

Infobox Single
Name = La ballade de Michel

Artist = Céline Dion
from Album = Opération beurre de pinottes soundtrack
Released = Start date|1986|1
Format = Radio single
Genre = Pop
Length = 2:55
Label = TBS
Writer = Eddy Marnay, Lewis Furey
Producer = Eddy Marnay
Last single = "Dans la main d'un magicien"
This single = "La ballade de Michel"
Next single = "Billy"

"La ballade de Michel" (meaning "Michael's Ballad") is Céline Dion's second single from the movie soundtrack "Opération beurre de pinottes". It was released in January 1986 in Quebec, Canada. [cite book | author=Glatzer, Jenna| title=Céline Dion: For Keeps | publisher=Andrews McMeel Publishing| year=2005 | id=ISBN 0-7407-5559-5]

"La ballade de Michel" was issued as a radio single only. Dion recorded also an English version of this song called "Michael's Song." Both of them were included on the soundtrack with two other Céline Dion's cuts: "Dans la main d'un magicien" and "Listen to the Magic Man."

Neither French or English version were included on any of Céline Dion's albums.

Formats and track listings

Canadian promotional 7" single
#"La ballade de Michel" – 2:55


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