Gramoz Pashko

Gramoz Pashko

Gramoz Pashko (February 11, 1955 – July 16, 2006) was an Albanian economist. He cofounded the Democratic Party of Albania in 1990. Professor Pashko died in July 2006 in a helicopter crash over the Adriatic Sea, while traveling unconsciently to Italy for immediate medical treatment. Dr. Pashko served lately as the rector of the University of New York, Tirana. He was married to Mimoza Pashko. He had his son Ruben, who was traveling with him when the crash occurred.

During the early '90-ies, Prof. Pashko served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy. A few months later, he quit the positions and the Democratic Party membership (which he cofounded back in 1990) to form the Democratic Alliance Party. In his career, Prof. Pashko also served as economic advisor to several left wing Prime Ministers

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