Red rot (leather) — Red rot (also redrot) is a degradation process found in vegetable tanned leather. [Applebaum, Barabara. Guide to Environmental Protection of Collections p. 185. Sound View Press, 1991] Red rot is caused by prolonged storage or exposure to high… … Wikipedia
Red rot (brass) — Red rot is a term commonly used to refer to any reddish patch of corrosion on a copper based alloy, such as brass. However, this loose usage covers two distinct but related conditions, surface corrosion and deterioration of the alloy due to de… … Wikipedia
red rot — noun 1. : a common sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) 2. a. : either of two diseases of sugarcane: (1) : a destructive disease caused by a fungus (Physalospora tucumanensis) characterized by red patches within the canes and found also on sorgo (2) … Useful english dictionary
red rot — Plant Pathol. any of several fungal diseases of sugarcane, sorgo, and some trees, characterized by a red discoloration within the affected stalks. [1590 1600] * * * … Universalium
Red Power — Red Pow|er auch: Red Po|wer 〈[rɛ̣d paʊə(r)] f.; ; unz.〉 Unabhängigkeitsbewegung nordamerikanischer Indianer [<engl. red „rot“ + power „Macht“] * * * Red Po|w|er [ rɛd pa̮uɐ ], die; [engl. red power = rote Macht]: Bewegung nordamerikanischer… … Universal-Lexikon
Red Power — Red Pow|er [ rɛd pauə] die; <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. red power zu engl. red »rot« u. power »Kraft; Macht«> Bewegung nordamerik. Indianer, die sich gegen Überfremdung u. Bevormundung durch die weißen Amerikaner wendet u. sich für mehr… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
red heart — noun : incipient decay in lumber indicated by a dark red discoloration not found in sound wood; specifically : red rot 2b * * * a treelike Californian shrub, Ceanothus spinosus, of the buckthorn family, having pale blue or white flowers. [1825… … Useful english dictionary
Rot — (Farbcode: #FF0000) Farbbezeichnungen nach dem Farbtonkreis von Müller in der CIE Normfarbtafel. Rechts außen der Rotbereich: Zinnoberrot, Mittelrot, Karminrot, P … Deutsch Wikipedia
Red-footed tortoise — Conservation status Endangered ( … Wikipedia
Red Delicious — Herkunft Peru Iowa, USA Abstammung Zufallssämling … Deutsch Wikipedia