

Infobox animanga/Header
name = Variante - requiem for the world

caption =
ja_name = Variante -ヴァリアンテ-
ja_name_trans = Variante
genre = Horror, Mystery
Infobox animanga/Manga
title =
author = Ikura Sugimoto
publisher = flagicon|Japan Kadokawa Shoten
flagicon|USA CMX Manga
publisher_other = flagicon|Italy Panini Comics
demographic = Shōnen
magazine = flagicon|Japan Monthly Dragon Age
first = 2004
last = 2006
volumes = 4

Nihongo|"Variante - requiem for the world"|Variante -ヴァリアンテ- is a Japanese horror manga by Ikura Sugimoto (the pen-name of Mao Kuon). The manga is divided into four volumes, each one having a cliffhanger that leads to the events in the next volume.


Houshou Aiko should be dead. To be precise, when she came back home that day she found that her entire family had been slaughtered by a monster, and the creature attacked her too; she was dead, but she awakes in a "secret" hospital. She's got amnesia, but when a monster appears before her, she remembers everything, and her arm changes into a powerful weapon, very similar to that of the monster, and destroys him.

As soon as she recalls what has happened, she only thinks to die and reach her parents, but something inside her still wants to live. She'll learn that those monster are called "Chimaira", and that her arm is made with the very same substance as the monsters (a "Chimaira arm"), so the people from the secret organization Atheos ask her to fight the monsters for them.

Unable to cope with that, she runs away to her best friend, but first terrorizes her when her arm kills her dog (on his own initiative), then she gets killed by a Chimaira, and Aiko can do nothing more than avenge her. More desperate than ever, she initially refuses to fight and she'd rather become a guinea pig, then, with Sudou's help, she understands how much she wants to live, and joins Atheos.

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